Friday, January 13, 2012

Happy 25th Birthday Mike: Fried food & Workout Gear

So sorry that I have not posted lately... School started this week & my schedule is FULL (I am taking 14 hours this semester)!! I have classes on Monday, Tuesdays, Wednesdays & Thursdays! I really actually enjoyed my first week of classes, which I hope continues to last these next 11 weeks!

Thursday was Mike's 25th birthday! Since I had school all day we decided to celebrate Friday evening with a date to BW3's!!
Before our date:

Mike and I ate entirely too much fried food goodness!! :) But it was so yummy! Have you had BW3's fried pickles??? TO DIE FOR!!

Next we headed over to Dick's Sporting Goods so that Mike could look at knives for work... But some how Mike didn't purchase anything and I ended up getting all of this:
I got all of this (an Underarmour shirt, shorts and a pair of reebok pants and a shirt) for 50% off!!! Couldn't pass up such great deals on workout clothes since I have to wear them every day to school. (I am an Exercise Science major.)

So needless to say my husband spoiled me on his birthday! One of the many reasons he is the sweetest man in the world!
Happy 25th Birthday Mike! Here's to celebrating many many more together!


  1. What a fun birthday celebration! Happy birthday to your sweet hubby!

  2. O M G O M G MY FAV FAV FAV BW3 fried pickles .. not gonna lie tommy hates them so that makes me eat all of them every time we go :)

  3. I love BW3, but haven't been in forever. Love their wings and chees fries.
